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Yonex Badminton Racket Selector - How To Choose A Yonex Badminton Racket

Despite its rich varieties of badminton rackets selections, Yonex have actually simplify the decision-making process of their customers by grouping their rackets into specific range. For instance, all rackets within the Astrox range generally have the same racket balancing (head heavy, even balance, head light) as well as playing style (power, speed, control). They only differ in terms of weight, material compositions, frame features, shaft thickness, as well as racket flex. So, here is a summary of the 3 main ranges that are popular from Yonex at the moment



Engineered to improve swing speed and maneuverability, the Nanoflare is the only head-light racket proven to provide unrivaled power and increased shuttlecock acceleration. The Nanoflare is constructed with the SONIC FLARE SYSTEM which strategically lines high-modulus graphite material at the top and bottom of the frame for amplified repulsion performance. 


Nanoflare Rackets for Beginners to Intermediate Players with Basic Skills

  • 800 Play
  • 1000 Play
  • 170 Light
  • 001
  • 002


Nanoflare Rackets for Intermediate to Advance Players with Developing Skills

  • 270 Speed
  • 1000 Game
  • 800 Game
  • 700
  • Nextage
  • 80


Nanoflare Rackets for Advanced Players with Enhanced Skills

  • 1000 Z Tour
  • 800 Pro Tour
  • 555
  • 370 Speed
  • 500


The Astrox series is developed to meet the demand of aggressive attacking play; taking the point to your opponent with relentless steep attack. The Rotational Generator System perfectly distributes weight through the grip end, frame top and the T-joint for maximum control. This enables smooth transition between shots, in rapid succession. Revolutionary graphite material such as NAMD are utilized to create faster snapback for imposing power. 


Astrox Rackets for Beginners to Intermediate Players with Basic Skills

  • 99 Play
  • 88 Play
  • 77 Play
  • 01
  • 02


Astrox Rackets for Intermediate to Advance Players with Developing Skills

  • 100 Game
  • 99 Game
  • 88 D Game
  • 88 S Game
  • 77 Pro Tour
  • 22 Lt
  • 22 F
  • 22 RX


Astrox Rackets for Advanced Players with Enhanced Skills

  • 100 ZZ Tour
  • 99 Pro Tour
  • 88D Pro Tour
  • 88S Pro Tour


The acclaimed Arcsaber series designed for control is reimagined with an emphasis on shuttle-pocketing for controlled offence and one-of-a-kind feel upon impact. Taking control of the court can come in all different forms. For the Arcsaber, that comes from the extra few milliseconds of shuttlecock contact timing allowing assertive shot-making. Coupled with the stability of the enhanced Arcsaber frame, you gain the confidence to command the court.


Arcsaber Rackets for Beginners to Intermediate Players with Basic Skills

  • 7 Play
  • 11 Play


Arcsaber Rackets for Intermediate to Advance Players with Developing Skills

  • Arcsaber 7 Pro Tour


Arcsaber Rackets for Advanced Players with Enhanced Skills

  • Arcsaber 11 Pro Tour


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